Thursday, November 21, 2013

The Top 5 Best Products for the Elderly

This upcoming holiday season, you may be thinking about buying a gift for an aging loved one. With thousands of products on the market that can help these seniors with everyday tasks, you may be wondering what you should add to your shopping list.

If you're in need of some ideas, here are five products you may want to consider buying:

1. Alarm

No, this isn't an alarm that is going to protect someone from an intruder, but rather, this type of alarm is going to protect your loved one in case of a dangerous fall or escape.

Known as a fall or wandering alarm, these alarms can send visual and audio notifications when they need help. So if a loved one were to fall, they could simply push a button and notify someone immediately. On the hand, a wandering alarm will alert someone when they are a certain distance away from a receiver. This is ideal for those who tend to escape often.

2. Medication Reminder Watch

Since there's a good chance that your loved one is taking medication, there's probably been an episode in the past where they forgot to take their pills. This is where the medication reminder watch comes into play.

Acting like any other ordinary watch, you will simply program the watch with medication reminders. Every time it's time to take a pill, the watch will beep and notify the user what medication has to be taken. The watch is also able to store medical information, blood type and important phone numbers for emergencies.

3. Shower Head That Prevent Burns

Every year, thousands of seniors burn themselves in the shower because it's too hot. Whether the water heats up too fast or they forget to check it before getting in, this is where a shower head that prevent burns can help avoid this scary situation.

Equipped with a special sensor that measures the water temperature when coming from the pipes, the shower head will automatically circulate the water when it gets too hot. Once the water is cool enough, it will come out like any other shower head.

4. Smoke Alarm for Hearing Impaired

It's no secret that many aging seniors have hearing problems. Well, if a fire were to happen, there could be a good chance that they won't be able to hear the smoke alarm.

The smoke alarm that is designed for the hard of hearing will flash strobe lights and vibrate to help alert those when smoke or a fire is nearby.

5. Television Headphones for Hearing Loss

We all know that a popular activity to pass the time for seniors is watching television. However, many seniors have a hard time hearing the television when sitting down far away.

Thankfully, with these specially designed headphones that sit beneath the chin, the user can set their own volume while affecting no one else in the room. Equipped with a foam tip, the headphones will offer a dialog that is clear and understandable. Best of all, the headset is lightweight and can cover up to 600 square feet of space.

Derek is blogging for Empowered Living Today, a site that provides information for adaptive clothing for the elderly. 

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